

A backfill is created when an event, usually a delivery or POS, attempts to fill the product quantity that is not available.  The line item will display one of two icons when this occurs; Partially Taken   or Back Order  .   This will create an inventory exception.   Partially taken will remove the available inventory and the remainder will become backfill, while the total back order quantity will become backfill.         

To fix exceptions/backfill when the inventory is physically available;
  1. Check for an unreceived purchase order.  Stock may have been received and put away without a receipt generated.
  2. Do a manual count on the product.  Before adjusting inventory in, check for similar product received under wrong code or possible UOM conversion issue (ie. received in EA instead of BOX)          
  3. Inventory from a procured order may have been physically pulled to fulfill an order.  Inventory that is procured for a sales order will update the On Hand quantity, but will not address the backfill issues for that product as it is reserved.  If all or part of the procured quantity needs to be released into general inventory this can be done with an  Inventory Adjustment by Event .  This may be required when padding a procured order.         

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