Create & Edit Invoice

Create & Edit Invoice

Creating Invoices

Invoices are created in two ways.  They are either created from scratch by clicking "Create Invoice" on the Sales / Invoice screen. 

Or, more commonly, they are created by clicking "Generate Invoice" from the previous Event (usually a delivery).

You will then be asked to confirm that you want to invoice for the all of the line items and quantities on the invoice.  You can either change these here or leave the full amount to invoice the entire "Delivery"

Multiple invoices can be generated from a single "Delivery".
Please note that if you make a change to the event after the "Invoice" has been generate, you will need to click the  button to push out those changes to the connected event (Invoice).

These will always be connected and shown through the lineage screen at the top of any "Event".  You can click on these connected events to navigate between them on the "Lineage" screen.

Editing Invoices

Editing invoices is easy.  Simply load the invoice you wish to edit by clicking on the invoice number to load it.

Now you can make any adjustments and click on the Save button to commit your changes.
Please note that any changes made to the line items or quantities on the right hand side of the screen will auto save.

If you wish to cancel or place an invoice on hold for any reason, you can do so using the drop down list showing the current status.

Please note that you will now only find these invoices by selecting the appropriate filter in the Invoice list.  In this case, Cancelled.

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