Customer Data Upload

Customer Data Upload

These are the common fields used when uploading customer data.  Template attached below.      

CustomerNumberCustomer number must be unique
CustomerNameCustomer name must be unique
AddressLine1Customer Address Line 1
AddressLine2Customer Address Line 2
CityCustomer City 
StatesNameState or province name.  Abbreviations will convert to full name on import
PostalZippostal or zip code
CountriesNameFull Country Name
PhoneNumberCustomer Phone Number
EmailCustomer contact email

Unique Customer Number and Customer Name 
To ensure that your field data is unique, you can perform conditional formatting in excel.
  1. Highlight the column
  2. Click on Conditional Formatting in the top ribbon (on Home tab)
  3. Select Highlight Cell Rules > and then Duplicate Values...
  4. By default this will highlight duplicates with a light red color... click OK
  5. Any duplicate values will be highlighted... make changes and highlighting will disappear

Upload Data
To upload customer data into your tenant, go to Data > Overview.   Then drop your formatted data file onto the customer card.  If you used the template then your fields should match the database fields.  Scroll to the right to confirm all fields have a check mark.  Any that have an exclamation  will not be uploaded.  You can either match these to a database field by finding it in the dropdown or leave as is. Once you have reviewed your fields click Upload Customer.

A success or error message will appear onscreen and you will receive an email with upload results.  Large lists will take some time to upload.  Click on Customers card to see results of your upload.


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