Inventory Counts

Inventory Counts

An inventory count is the physical verification of the quantities and their condition in a location.  There are four ways to create a count in Sandbox;
  1. Manual Count
    1. Go to Inventory > Inventory Count
    2. Create a count name
    3. Select a warehouse location
    4. Add product to count - you can add product as you count
  2. Category Count - selects all product assigned to category and storage location 
    1. Go to Inventory > Categories
    2. Click on a Category  button
    3. Select a warehouse location
    4. Create a Count Name
  3. Storage Location Count - selects all product assigned to a storage location 
    1. Go to Inventory > Storage Location
    2. Select a warehouse location
    3. Create a Count Name
  4. Cycle Count - click here for details
Any count created can be revisited prior to processing by going to Inventory > Inventory Count and selecting existing account.

Product can be added or removed  from any count list.  

Performing the Count
The count should be performed and done during non-business hours, or when there is no activity.  Any product received or delivered can effect your count as your on hand quantity may have changed.   For example, when your count list was created there were 10 widgets on hand.  In the mean time, a PO was received for 15 more widgets and put on the shelf.  When the widgets were counted there were 25 on the shelf, so 15 were adjusted into inventory for a total of 40.  The 15 adjusted in were duplicated from the 15 on the PO receipt.           
  1. A manual list can be printed for the count from Reports > Inventory > Inventory Counts in Progress.
  2. For each product on the count, enter a quantity counted based on the UOM and the variance will be updated. 
  3. Verify any large variances on your count.  Use the Inventory Counts in Progress to see variance amount in dollars.      
  4. For Category and Storage counts, confirm that a Count Name has been added
  5. Click Process Count    
Note: the Inventory Counts in Progress report can also be used as a hard copy for the count if not using a tablet for making updates during count. 


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