Manual Inventory Adjustment

Manual Inventory Adjustment

Manual inventory adjustments can be made from the Product record > Current Inventory.    The current on hand inventory will be displayed in the bottom grid by event.   Any negative adjustment will be reduced starting at the oldest event.  Positive adjustments will have their own entry.  All inventory adjustments can be viewed in the Inventory History. 

To make an adjustment, fill out the adjustment form;
  1. Reason - reference the adjustment reason
  2. Quantity - negative number to remove inventory and positive number to add inventory
  3. UOM - Defaulted to product UOM.  Can be toggled if UOM Conversions are on the product.  The cost will automatically adjust for a change in UOM. 
  4. Cost - This will default to last cost.  Cost can be edited for inventory added. Inventory removed will come out at average cost regardless of what is entered.
  5. Location - select a location if adjustment is for a particular storage location 
  6. Click Post

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