Posting a Supplier Invoice

Posting a Supplier Invoice

When a Supplier Invoice is received for a Purchase Order a Purchase Invoice needs to be created in Sandbox to add to Payables for payment.

To start you will need to find the PO for the supplier invoice.  On the Purchase Order screen you can filter POs by Supplier to find the PO easier.  The PO will be in Closed stage if all products have been received.  The PO will be in Open stage if it hasn't been received or there is a partial receipt of the products.

Simple process when PO is received in one shipment
  1. Go to closed Purchase Order
  2. Select Lineage at top and click on Receipt
  3. On Receipt, make any changes to the product cost, freight, and taxes, if necessary
  4. Save the receipt if changes were made
  5. Click on Purchase Invoice in the left panel to create A/P transaction
If the PO is received in multiple shipments and invoiced per shipment/receipt, then the above process can be followed per invoice from the supplier on each receipt. 

If the PO is received in multiple shipments with only one supplier invoice, then follow this process;
  1. Go to closed Purchase Order 
  2. Confirm subtotal matches subtotal on invoice.
    1. If not make adjustments on receipts.  Click on Lineage to go to each receipt and make any changes to the product cost and freight.
    2. Save the receipt if changes were made
  3. Click on Lineage to go back to the PO.  
  4. Click on Purchase Invoice in left panel.  You will be asked to select the receipts that are included on the invoice. 
  5. Click Next.  Confirm Line items.  Save.

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