Product Categories

Product Categories

Product Categories can be created to group products or services.  Categorization will help with easier navigation using product tiles on order entry, creating physical count lists, sales reporting, and benefit greatly in transitioning to ecommerce.   

Categories can be nested and have as many levels as needed.  Every Parent category can have many Child categories, with many Grandchild categories... and even Great Grandchild, if necessary.  Once the product category structure is created, products can be assigned to end product categories on each tree.  There are different ways to assign product to product categories;
  1. from product detail  
  2. dropping product on the category
  3. through product upload
Interactive Demo: Add product to categories

Creating Categories
To create a new category (security access required);
  1. click on settings   (bottom left of screen)
  2. click on Categories
  3. add name in Create New Category
  4. select a category colour using dropdown
  5. Click create
  6. Maneuver product category to desired location
    1. drag and drop onto another category to nest (child/grandchild).  A plus symbol will display beside name 
    2. sort the categories by dragging category up or down.  An arrow and lines symbol will be beside name    

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