Product Tag Alongs

Product Tag Alongs

A product tag along is when a product always has an accompanying product when adding to an event.   To add a product as a tag along;
  1. view  the product to apply tag along
  2. select the Tag Alongs tab in the left panel
  3. search and select product to add as a tag along 
  4. edit quantity if more than one of the tag along product go with each source product
When adding the product to an event the tag along product will be added as the next line item automatically.  When changing the quantity on the source product. the tag along product will match the quantity.  Tag Along line items can be edited and removed from an event.   

Eco fees are an example of a Tag Along product.   To create an eco fee as a Tag Along;
  1. add a non-inventory product for the eco fee with a Base Sales Price = eco fee 
  2. view product that you will apply this fee to
  3. add the eco fee as a tag along
Note: If the customer has a pricing level applied, this will currently also affect the eco fee.  You will need to override the unit price to original eco fee amount.    

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