Purchase Order Sourced from Work Order

Purchase Order Sourced from Work Order

A Purchase Order can be created from a work order where at least one line item is being sourced directly from a supplier (source = purchase).  Generally, these are created for non-stocking items and special price product.  To create a PO from a work order;
  1. Select Procurement from Work Order (top right dropdown menu)
  2. Select a supplier(s) and click create
  3. A new PO will be created.  Click PO# and close procurement window.
  4. Update the line item unit pricing
  5. If applicable, add discount, freight, and surcharges
  6. Send/Email PO to supplier
The Work Order # the PO is tied to will appear in the top bar and is hyperlinked to that event.

Note: If the the same product is listed twice on a work order, after creating the purchase order do not combine the lines into 1 line item on the PO.  Each work order line would require a tied line from the PO.  If you need to correct procured inventory by adjusting out a tied line, here is more information.   

More PO functionality can be found on Creating a Purchase Order Article.
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