Quote List

Quote List

The "Quote List" screen allows you to easily find and navigate to Quotes.  Let's familiarize you with the functionality of the screen.

  1. "Create Quote" - Click this button to create a new Quote, from scratch.
  2. The "Open - Closed - On Hold - Cancelled - Archived" tabs represent the different Status of the Quotes.  The blue one shows the what filtered list you are seeing in the grid below.  Simply click the desired status to filter the grid.
  3. The blue arrow pointing down shows we are currently filtering the list of open Quotes by highest Quote (latest) number first.  You can click it again to sort by lowest (oldest) first or click on any other column header to do a similar sort (Any columns containing letter will sort alphabetically).
  4. The blue circled number shows the current page you are on.  In many cases you will have multiple pages of Quotes lists and will need to use the arrows to navigate through the pages.
  5. The filter button takes any information placed in the FILTER GRID boxes and filtes the right grid accordingly.  This can be a quick way to navigate to all one customers Quotes or all Quotes containing a specific product as an example.
  6. By clicking on the Quote number you will navigate into the customer Quote.
  7. These two arrows will load a quick screen showing the line items on the Quote without actually opening the Quote.

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