Sales Order Totals

Sales Order Totals

The sales order totals section is detailed below. 

Totals Section
  1. Subtotal - total of the line items above
  2. Freight - freight charge to ship to customer
  3. Tax - the tax defaults to the customer or shipto taxing location
  4. Discount - the discount can be entered as dollar amount $ or percentage % .  To switch between the two, click on the icon $ or % . The discount can be applied pre-tax or after tax.  To move up and down in the totals, click on the arrow 
  5. Total - displays the total amount owing on the order  
  6. Balance - displays the balance owing on the order. 
  7. Deposit - I fa deposit has been applied to the order, the deposit and remaining balance will be displayed.
  8. Credit Limit - If a customer has a credit limit it will be displayed along with current credit taken.

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