Short-Shipped/Damaged Products

Short-Shipped/Damaged Products

Below is the recommended procedure for handling shipments containing products that are short-shipped, damaged, incorrect, etc., necessitating the creation of an RMA for product return or supplier credit.

When shipment arrives;
  1. Create a receipt for inventory that is to be put away or for orders.  
  2. Product that requires an RMA should be left on the open Purchase Order.
  3. Put the Purchase Order On Hold
  4. Add a note to the PO reflecting the reason for being On Hold.

On receipt of supplier invoice,
  1. The PO will be On Hold when going to post invoice against notifying that further action is required.
  2. Change the PO status from On Hold to Open.
  3. Receive the product that requires an RMA.  If there is product that is not billed, and not going to be, then "Cancel Pending Quantity" on those lines.   The PO will go to Closed stage. 
  4. Generate the Purchase Invoice for the receipts.
  5. Create an RMA for the credit/return.



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