Supplier Record Detail

Supplier Record Detail

Note: not all tenants will have the same fields and user access may restrict the ability to access some functionality.

Editing the supplier record 
  1. Details - edit the supplier contact information 
  2. Activity - add notes to the supplier record
  3. Tax Exemptions - set up Federal and Provincial/State tax exemptions

The following functionality is available when viewing the supplier record ;
  1. Contacts - add contacts to the supplier record
  2. History - displays all events related to the supplier.  These can be filtered, searched, and are linked back to the event.
  3. Account - displays current total payables amounts and statement distribution 
  4. Tax Exemptions - displays tax exempt status
  5. Products - displays supplier product detail that has been added under Supplier tab on products
  6. Attachments - ability to add documents to Supplier; ie. contract agreements, images, etc. 


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