System Pricing and Selling Price Levels
By default, your Sandbox environment is set up to use Base Sale Price from each product record as your selling price. The default can be changed to cost plus or from Base Purchase Price with a multiplier. Base Purchase Price is your supplier cost or sometimes referred to as replacement cost.
Pricing levels are tiers that can be added to differentiate between customer groups by Customer size ($), industry, or any other grouping. It could be as simple as Level A, B and C for Best, Better, and Good. Another popular example level would be “Employee” where the level for this could be Cost + 10% for all products.
Pricing Levels are set up in Settings App by clicking on Data in the left panel and then selecting “Selling Price Levels tab from the System Lists.
Click Add for a new Selling Price Level. Enter the level name and set Active to true
by clicking on the field. Then select the option for your Pricing Level and set to true
; - % from Landed Cost: product landed/average cost + percentage
- % from Retail Price: product retail/base sales price +/- percentage
- Percent Pricing from Base Purchase Price: supplier cost + percentage
- Fixed Pricing: this would require adding a fixed price on each product
When adding the percentage amount, enter as a decimal. ie. -.1 = -10%, .25 = 25%
When finished adding, editing, or deleting a price level click save on the right above your list.
The pricing level can now be added to your customer record as their default and also used to recalculate pricing on a POS.
Note: be careful when quoting using pricing from landed/average cost, as the average cost at time of entry may change when product is eventually allocated.
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