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Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet is a financial statement that reports assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity at a specific point in time. The row balances are from posted transactions up until as of date selected. The report can be condensed by excluding any ...
Enforce Credit Limit
When Enforce Credit Limit is enabled in Settings > Finance Settings, sales events with inventory movement will be validated against the customers available credit. These would generally include POS, Delivery, and also the ability to procure products ...
Requiring Purchase Order number on customer account
Under the customer record, navigate to the Finance tab and select the Requires PO# checkbox: Note: The requires contact for sale will require you to select a contact as an authorized buyer. The user will need to save the Customer PO # on Work orders ...
Authorized buyers
To configure an Authorized Buyer for a customer account; click Edit on Customer select Finance tab check Requires Contact for Sale click save The customer will need to have contacts set up to use this functionality. When tendering the POS Order, a ...
Create a Non-Payables Cheque
To create a cheque without setting up a Supplier and creating a Payable, go to Finance > + Cash Entry. The Payee must exist as a company or person. Either can be added at time of creating the cheque. To enter a Non-Payables Cheque Go to Finance > + ...