Unit Of Measure Conversion

Unit Of Measure Conversion

Each product will have a default Unit of Measure (UOM).  Additional UOMs can be added to the product if you sell the product by different UOMs.  For example, if you sell screws by the pound (LB) but also will sell the whole box then you would add BOX UOM.  

Steps to add additional UOMs;
  1. Confirm Default UOM on product
  2. Click on Unit of Measure in the left panel of the Product window
  3. Click on Add a new record;
    1. Enter the larger UOM
    2. Enter the smaller UOM
    3. Enter the quantity of the smaller UOM in the larger UOM
    4. Check Whole Unit, if applicable. 
  4. Update
The Whole Unit checked means that only full units of inventory will be kept when removing items from inventory.   So, if there is 1 BOX (of 10 LB) in stock and sell 1 LB, the BOX will be broken down to 9 LBs left in stock.  Otherwise, when unchecked the stock will show as .9 BOX.

NOTE: if adding more than one UOM Conversion, the UOMs must be chained together.  For example; if you sell by the BOX, PACK and EACH, then the conversion should BOX to PACK and PACK to EACH.  If 1 BOX has 5 PACKS of 20 EACH it would be BOX-5-PACK and PACK-20-EACH.  The system will know that there are 100 EACH in a BOX and calculate pricing accordingly.  

Sales Pricing for additional UOM
When adding additional UOMs, default pricing will be created for that UOM in the Sales Pricing menu item for that product.  The new UOM default pricing is calculated from the base price * UOM Conversion quantity of the product when new UOM is larger than default UOM... and base price / UOM Conversion quantity when it is smaller. 

The additional UOM can be discounted (or inflated) from base price and pricing levels.  Enter the desired discount (-.1 = -10%) on the right to apply a discount to base price and pricing levels.

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