View and Edit Lead

View and Edit Lead

Let's understand what we are looking at when viewing the Sales>Leads screen.
  1. The left panel of this screen displays a filterable pipeline value by team member and monthly estimated value.  To filter simply click on the segment and the data showing on the right will change to reflect the filter.  If you wish to close this window to give more space to the grid, click the small arrow pointing left.  This will collapse the screen.
  2. If your company is using campaigns to run their business.  You can either add a new campaign or filter the right screen data to only show the campaign selected int he drop down.
  3. The Pencil icon allows you to batch reassign leads to another sales rep.  Once selected, a checkbox will appear next to each lead in the grid that can be selected.  You can then select the sales rep to assign to and select Re-assign Selected. 
    The Letter icon lets you batch email your leads.  Once selected, a checkbox will appear next to each lead in the grid that can be selected.  Click the  button and fill out the content you wish to send.

  4. The bubbles on the screen show you the leads arranged by Confidence (Y axis), Close Date (X Axis) and Deal Size (Bubble Size).  This is a visual indicator of what you should be working on.  The biggest and highest bubbles on the left should be your focus!
  5. These Day/Week/Month/Quarter/Year selections will change the bubble visual timeline.
  6. These colored boxes reflect the Lead Stages configured for your Sandbox.  Clicking on them will filter the grid to only show those leads.  These are fully customizable.
  7. The Lead Grid gives you details on your leads as show.  We can add other details to the grid if you require.  The funnel will allow for filters.  Double clicking on the lead or clicking the Eye icon opens the lead.

Once you open the lead, you can edit the details and click Save to save changes and leave open or Save and Close to do just that.

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