Creating a Work/Sales Order

Creating a Work/Sales Order

A work/sales order can be created at this stage or converted from a quote.  Non inventory, or out of stock product can be procured from a work order and a tie will be established between the events.

To create a quick sales order;

  1. Click on Create Work Order  
  2. Add a customer and order details in left panel
  3. Add line items and update pricing, if necessary
  4. Add line item notes or order comments
  5. Email or print confirmation for the customer 
Interactive Demo: Creating a Work Order

A delivery event(s) is generated from a work order to ship, or pickup, product to the customer.  The sales order will close when all line items and quantities have been converted to a delivery(ies),  line item pending quantities (see below) have been cancelled, or manually closed.

Top Bar Sales Order Functionality

The  status shows the current status of the event.  When creating a sales order it will show as open.  Depending on the user's privileges, the other stages will be cancelled, on hold, close, and archive.

Activity will show the various activities on the sales order and past and future events.  The number will increase as activities are added on linked events. 

Related Files can be added to the sales order, such as drawings, photos, customer notes from an electronic document, etc.  This will be available when added on any linked event.
Notes can be added to the sales order to keep track of anything related to the sales events.  An activity could reference the notes section where more information is provided.  
Lineage will show the flow of the linked events.  

New will create a new sales order without going back to the sales order list screen. 

Whenever the Save button appears green it means the sales order will need to be saved.  When editing line items the sales order is automatically saved, but when making edits in the left panel the save icon will appear green noting to save the event.

A Comment can be added to the sales order.  Preset comments can be selected from a list and added (and edited) as comments to the sales order.  The preset comments are set up in the settings   .  When a comment is added to an event the comment icon will turn green.  Comments will be added to the sales order confirmation PDF.

Preview , Email , and Download will generate a PDF of the sales order confirmation to email, print, or download for the customer. 

The down chevron  at the far right is a menu;
  1. Worksheet - the worksheet view can be exported to excel to work on order pricing  
  2. Save as New Version - creates a new version of the sales order
  3. Cancel Pending Quantity - cancel pending quantities will set pending line item quantities to 0 and close the sales order
  4. Procurement - when at least one item is sourced, procurement will generate a PO(s) for those products.  More information can found here... Purchase Order Sourced from Work Order.
  5. Deposit - to process a deposit on the sales order
  6. Copy Work Order - to create new copy of the work/sales order
  7. Copy Work Order (New Company) - the work/sales order can be copied to a different customer with all or just some line items

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