Product Record Detail

Product Record Detail

Below are some of the common product detail fields, but not all fields may be on the product canvas.   Other fields can be added and be updateable to the product detail record. 
  1. Inventory - Checked will make this a stocking product, otherwise the product will only be considered an order-as-needed product and should have a purchase order created when adding product to a work order
  2. Active - Checked makes product available for transactions, Unchecked removes product from searches and unavailable
  3. UPC - Adding the UPC will allow for bar code scanning when adding products to orders.  Also, could be included on supplier purchase order 
  4. Supplier - Add the main supplier for the product.  The supplier will already need to be set up in Suppliers to be added.  
  5. Is Serialized - When checked this will require a serial number on PO Receipt and Sales order 
  6. Has Recipe - Checked when this product is made up of more than one other products to be combined as a kit.  
  7. Base Sale Price - Amount used for "retail" price. 
  8. Base Purchase Price - This is the supplier cost.  This cost will appear on the purchase order.  Note: the base purchase price will be updated with the cost on the receipt when received. 
  9. Product Category - Pre-existing product categories can be added to the product here. 
  10. Reorder Point - This represents the minimum quantity you want on the shelf and will trigger reordering if met or lower when doing Inventory Replenishment 
  11. Maximum Quantity - This represents the maximum quantity you want to keep in inventory and will factor in when calculating purchase order quantity when doing Inventory Replenishment.
  12. Unit of Measure - Defaults to Each.  Choose from available Units of Measure.  Other UOMs can be added to dropdown list in Settings.

Editing the product record 
  1. Details - edit the product detail information 
  2. Tax Exemptions - set up Federal and Provincial/State tax exemptions

Product Attributes 
  1. Tag AlongsUsed for selling companion products.  The product(s) added as a “tag alongs” will be added as an additional line item(s) to the order.  
  2. SuppliersAdd product ordering information specific to a Supplier; includes Part#, Pricing, Duty, Freight, and MOQ.  Currently these are for informational purposes only. 
  3. AliasesAdd alternate UPC for product when scanning product for orders  
  4. Unit of Measure - A product can be added with multiple units of measure for sale or purchase.  When adding additional UOM, default sales pricing will be added for that product that can be adjusted, if required.  More information available here
  5. AttachmentsFiles (MSDS, Spec Sheets, images, etc.) can be added to a product.  The file name would need to be descriptive to identify the file contents. 

Product Information 
  1. Current Inventory - A list of current inventory on-hand by receipt event.  Inventory Adjustments can be made from this screen as well. 
  2. Inventory History - Every transaction showing product hitting inventory in and out
  3. History - All product movement / transactions
  4. Current Supply - A list of product supply by document type as it flows through system 
  5. Current Demand - A list of product demand by document type
  6. Inventory Adjustments - A list of all inventory adjustments 

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