Product Return

Product Return

Product Returns are generated from sales invoices that will return the product(s) to inventory at the cost purchased.    

To create a Product Return;
  1. Go to the invoice the product was purchased on
  2. Click on Product Return 
  3. Select the products and quantities being returned and click save
  4. Click on Lineage and click Product Return #
  5. Preview/Print/Email Product Return document
Interactive Demo: Generating a Product Return 
The return will adjust the customer's account receivable balance.

Product Return Stages
  1. Open - still open in accounts receivable.  A full invoice return can be offset with original invoice to close. 
  2. Cancelled - cancels product returns and removes from customer's "receivables"
  3. On Hold - places product return on hold status.  
  4. Close - if processed and remains in open stage, this can be manually closed.

NOTE: to process a product return for product that does not have an invoice in your system, you will be required to do a POS return.

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